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My first 5km Plan

My first 5km running plan

Your first 5km is a plan we've put together with Pat Divilly to get you comfortable completing a 5 kilometre run.

Over 10 weeks you'll complete 3 training sessions every week. Consistency is key. Don't overthink or jump ahead of the plan. Take your time, enjoy each session and focus on small improvements each run. 

Start each workout with a warm up to loosen out and increase the body's core temperature.

Make sure you are hydrated and wearing comfortable running gear. Make use of any app or technologies that can help you track your times/distances. If you have any niggles or pains from previous injuries pay special attention to them.

If at any point the plan is moving too fast for you, feel free to slow it down and repeat the given week before moving on.

End each workout with some stretches to speed up recovery between sessions.

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